电话este Wayside solutions for on-board

Our advanced wayside solutions support features like VoIP/ SIP based audio communication, automatic and manual offload of video, live camera view and and playback of video recordings, remote management functions, software updates and diagnostics. The solutios can be seamlessly integrated to our on-board CCTV, on-board passenger information, infotainment and audio communications systems.

关键 好处

Audio communication between OCC and train

Wayside solution provides one-sided and full-duplex intercom between passenger, train driver and or the operational control centre (OCC). The system supports passenger audio communication e.g. for automated trains, on-demand message triggering and instant audio communication in selected train cars.

Real-time passenger information updates

Wayside solution enables to update information in real-time e.g. possible delays or any other unplanned information through 电话este Railway API. Manual operation is enabled via instant messages from Operational Control Centre.

Secure journey with 24/7 connection to on-board CCTV

Live camera view with 24/7 access. Real-time monitoring and access to the on-board video recording system together with on-board video searching and playback features guarantees complete situational awareness and optimize the safety and security of passengers and operations.

Remote updates and system monitoring

Wayside solution enables the transfer of diagnostics and any operational information between stations and trains. Solution reduces manual maintenance work by enabling automatic detection of faults and trains, remote configuration and modification of on-board parameters and by supporting remote database and software updates.

电话este 车载的解决方案

All on-board systems

With our on-board solution and its subsystems, you can provide easier and safer journey for passengers on the move.